Arjun is this a web app or what? You say platform but then don't really explain. Also what are you spending the money on?
A group of players take turns in a hot seat. The game generates a question (e.g. What's the population of Spain?) and a conversion rate (e.g. 1 game chip for every million people), and the player in the rotating hot seat picks a buy and sell price that begins a round of buying and selling financial instruments that pay out 1 chip for every million people there are in Spain.
Two players alternate between predicting and betting. The game generates a question with a numerical answer (e.g. What was the GDP per capita of Texas in 2022?) and the predictor picks a range (x, 1.1x) in which the answer is predicted to fall. The opponent stakes a selected number of chips on whether the answer is over or under the range.
Games are fun and public leaderboard statistics will create an enjoyable experience that draws people to practicing their forecasting.
Rachel Weinberg
about 2 years ago
Arjun is this a web app or what? You say platform but then don't really explain. Also what are you spending the money on?