I assessed myself at a 3 because I had very high hopes at the start that I would be able to do at least 3-5 episodes by now and I am very disappointed in myself.
Founder of Deepvail
https://www.linkedin.com/in/briantedwards$0 in pending offers
Host of the Crystal Ballin' podcast.
Brian T. Edwards
over 1 year ago
I assessed myself at a 3 because I had very high hopes at the start that I would be able to do at least 3-5 episodes by now and I am very disappointed in myself.
Brian T. Edwards
over 1 year ago
1. How much money have you spent so far? Have you gotten more funding from other sources? Do you need more funding?
Spent all the funds so far to get the necessary equipment and software. We have not yet sought additional funding but as we release more episodes we plan to seek sponsors. Certainly we would like to be able to issue more impact certificates but since I sold all of my equity when I listed the project that doesn't seem to be a possibility. I may submit a general proposal to the Manifund if I think it has a good chance of getting support.
2. How is it going?
I just published the first episode at the end of August, an interview with Michael Wheatley (aka Michael's bot laboratory). The first interview went very well and Michael has agreed to join me as a co-host. I have also recruited firstuserhere to be a producer. We have a second episode lined up for next week and hope to release new episodes at least fortnightly from now on.
3. How well has your project gone compared to where you expected it to be at this point? (Score from 1-10, 10 = Better than expected)
4. Are there any remaining ways you need help, besides more funding?
We need a steady stream of reliable guests with interesting things to say about prediction markets and forecasting. Had some difficulty with this but expect it to get easier as we release more episodes.
5. Any other thoughts or feedback?
Podcasts are much harder than I thought. Certainly a lot more work than a blog. I am determined to master this medium and I hope to create something the ACX readers can appreciate and learn from.
Brian T. Edwards
over 1 year ago
Brian T. Edwards
over 1 year ago
I have been playing with this extension today and it is so cool! Well executed!
Brian T. Edwards
over 1 year ago
Long time listener and fan of ChinaTalk! Glad to see Jordan got his minimum ask!!
Brian T. Edwards
almost 2 years ago
I have been playing around with the add on in sheets and it’s brilliant!! Spark charts would be very useful added feature maybe!!
Brian T. Edwards
almost 2 years ago
I can strongly endorse this idea! Annalise is a very talented writer and can absolutely win this competition given a few days of focused work.
Brian T. Edwards
almost 2 years ago
I really want to sell @James the $1 share but I cannot because I own $0. Maybe one of the investors would be willing to part with $1??
Brian T. Edwards
about 2 years ago
The first episode will cover the controversial mis-resolution of the Salem Center's Covid market.
Brian T. Edwards
about 2 years ago
This is a cool project! I was thinking about including a segment in the Crystal Ballin' podcast called Free Basing, where we would take a few markets each episode and maybe bring on an expert to explain how to find the base rates. Seems like it fits well with what you are building and could be good cross promotional opportunity. Would love to talk about partnering up if you are interested!
Brian T. Edwards
about 2 years ago
David, this is a great project! Glad to see it is getting lots of bids. Assuming my project gets funded too I would love to interview you. https://manifund.org/projects/crystal-ballin-podcast
Brian T. Edwards
about 2 years ago
@domenic Yes, I have extensive experience creating content. I have published well over 500 blog posts, most as Sr mHealth Analyst at iMedicalApps.com (https://www.imedicalapps.com/author/brian-edwards/) In 2013 as a Fellow at Startup Health I created their SUH Insights Reports which they still produce to this day (https://www.startuphealth.com/insights-reports). As an AI Analyst at Chilmark Research I wrote a 60 page report on the use of Natural Language Processing in healthcare and also produced multiple webinars. I have also dabbled a bit recently with Substack (https://intellectualarbitrage.substack.com) but have been unhappy with what I put out so far and want dedicate more time to it. I am also the top market creator on Manifold, well #2 behind memestiny, so #1 of people creating real markets and not meme markets. (https://manifold.markets/leaderboards)
For | Date | Type | Amount |
Manifund Bank | almost 2 years ago | withdraw | 2499 |
Crystal Ballin' Podcast | almost 2 years ago | user to user trade | +160 |
Crystal Ballin' Podcast | almost 2 years ago | user to user trade | +2250 |
Crystal Ballin' Podcast | almost 2 years ago | user to user trade | +40 |
Crystal Ballin' Podcast | almost 2 years ago | user to user trade | +50 |