@MattArnold Thanks for the response -- apologies for my low specificity, as I was trying to get all my questions out last night because a lot of proposals were closing in a few days (now extended). Should have said "lead to impact that the outfits that have committed to consider buying impact certificates would value" or "lead to impact that I would significantly value, as a micrograntor with $500, enough to put this proposal ahead of others -- including those whose target beneficiaries are extremely disadvantaged and/or vulnerable." I apologize for my wording suggesting that there would be zero impact for those who watched the videos.
I do tend to treat most direct positive impacts on a relatively small number of individuals who seem likely to be relatively privileged as if they were zero (although that does not actually make them zero). The reasons for that largely relate to my discomfort with certain excesses of EA meta spending and the desire to build a hedge around potentially self-serving funding rationales. Based on your comments I don't think those particular concerns would be present here.