Project summary
The project supplies text books to orphaned child mothers to enable them continue studying during their pregnancies and lactation. With some as young as 12 years, their chances of discontinuing with their education and ending up in marriage are great. As a measure to keep them studying and in progression with others the project distributes text books for home learning.
What are this project's goals and how will you achieve them?
1) Reduce school drop out rates among orphaned child mothers.
2) Enable home learning for orphaned child mothers.
3)Reduce incidents and possibilities of child marriage among orphaned child mothers.
How will this funding be used?
The funding will be used for:
1) Purchase and distribution of appropriate text books to 50 orphaned child mothers.
2) Home study visits and support supervision.
Who is on your team and what's your track record on similar projects?
Mr. Alphonce Odiwuor is the finance manager at SAKA. He holds a degree in education with a degree in accounting. Through his leadership SAKA has implemented school enrollment and retention projects for rural and slum orphans in Kenya since 2016. This history and leadership will enable success in this project
What are the most likely causes and outcomes if this project fails? (premortem)
If the project fails then 50 young orphaned mothers will drop out of school and possibly end up in marriage.
What other funding are you or your project getting?
This project has no other funding